Company profile

since 1999

Founded in the 1999

The company Prvá martinská rezáreň was founded in the year 1999. Its main line of business is the field of separation and bending of metallurgical materials.

From its establishment on, the company is trying to take and ocuppy a stable position on the Slovak market of secondary manufacturing industry and of course to make itself a great name.

Modern company

Today the company is a modern manufacturing organization with a stable list of customers. Using the system of custom work we deliver our products to our customers exactly in accordance with their needs and demands. The fact that in many cases our partners are working based on the Just in Time system proves our excellent relationships with our customers.

It is exceedigly essential for them not only to get products of the highest quality but also exactly on time.

How does our company cover these services?

For this, we use production premises with an area of approx. 12,000 m2. We also have our own transport, top technology for each type of our offered product or service and a unique complex machine park.

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